Comparison of Our SiteLock Malware Detector Plans




25 Pages

Daily Malware Scan

Network Scan

Trust Seal

No Daily FTP Scan

No Auto Malware Removal

No File Change Monitoring

1 Time Application Scan

1 Time SQL Injection Scan

1 Time XSS Scan

Trueshield Firewall

Security Alerts

Use of Global Network to Identify Malicious Behavior

Block Bad Bot Attacks

Search Engine Access

Comment Spam Elimination

CAPTCHA Security

Block content "scraping"

Blacklist Monitoring

Spam Verification

SSL Verification

Business Verification

Phone Number Verification

Postal Address Verification

Truespeed CDN


starting from




25 Pages

Daily Malware Scan

Network Scan

Trust Seal

Daily FTP Scan

Auto Malware Removal

File Change Monitoring

1 Time Application Scan

1 Time SQL Injection Scan

1 Time XSS Scan

Trueshield Firewall

Security Alerts

Use of Global Network to Identify Malicious Behavior

Block Bad Bot Attacks

Search Engine Access

Comment Spam Elimination

CAPTCHA Security

Block content "scraping"

Blacklist Monitoring

Spam Verification

SSL Verification

Business Verification

Phone Number Verification

Postal Address Verification

Truespeed CDN


starting from




25 Pages

Daily Malware Scan

Network Scan

Trust Seal

Daily FTP Scan

Auto Malware Removal

File Change Monitoring

Application Scan

SQL Injection Scan

XSS Scan

Trueshield Firewall

Security Alerts

Use of Global Network to Identify Malicious Behavior

Block Bad Bot Attacks

Search Engine Access

Comment Spam Elimination

CAPTCHA Security

Block content "scraping"

Blacklist Monitoring

Spam Verification

SSL Verification

Business Verification

Phone Number Verification

Postal Address Verification

Truespeed CDN


starting from




25 Pages

Daily Malware Scan

Network Scan

Trust Seal

Daily FTP Scan

Auto Malware Removal

File Change Monitoring

Application Scan

SQL Injection Scan

XSS Scan

Trueshield Firewall

Security Alerts

Use of Global Network to Identify Malicious Behavior

Block Bad Bot Attacks

Search Engine Access

Comment Spam Elimination

CAPTCHA Security

Block content "scraping"

Blacklist Monitoring

Spam Verification

SSL Verification

Business Verification

Phone Number Verification

Postal Address Verification

Truespeed CDN


starting from


m is Microsoft No #1 Recommended Windows and ASP.NET Spotlight Hosting Partner in United States. Microsoft presents this award to for the ability to support the latest Microsoft and ASP.NET technology, such as: WebMatrix, WebDeploy, Visual Studio, ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET, Silverlight and Visual Studio Lightswitch.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) of the Windows Cloud Hosting with SiteLock Malware Detector

What is SiteLock?
SiteLock is a cloud-based, website security solution for small businesses. It works as an early detection alarm for common online threats like malware injections, bot attacks etc. It not only protects websites from potential online threats, but also fixes vulnerabilities.
Why will an SSL certificate not suffice?
An SSL certificate is used only to encrypt a connection between the browser and server to safely transmit sensitive information. However, SiteLock actually protects the database where this information is stored, scans your website files and applications, protects from data breaches and spreading of viruses/malware. These functionalities are not provided by an SSL certificate.
How do I configure SiteLock for my website?
SiteLock is a cloud-based service and does not require any installation. Once provisioned for your website, it automatically starts scanning your website using the basic scans.
What is SiteLock badge or TrustSeal?
SiteLock badge or TrustSeal is a image that can be displayed on your website to assure users that your website is secure and malware-free. Since SiteLock performs all scans daily, the TrustSeal is update everyday to indicate that all scans have passed.
What is Deep 360-Degree Site Scan?
Deep 360-Degree Site Scan checks all files susceptible to threats, including .css files, .js files, .jpg, .png and other image files and others. It performs a deep scan checking for anything that could turn into a security issue.
What different types of scan are available?
Available types of scan include: Daily Malware Scan, Daily FTP Scanning, Website Application Scan, SQL Injection Scan and Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Scan. All these scans are part of the Deep 360-Degree Site Scan. The availability and frequency (daily or one-time) of these scans differ from Plan to Plan.
What is SMART?
Secure Malware Alert and Removal Tool (SMART), if enabled, performs an in-depth site scan and automatically removes malicious code from files on the site. SiteLock makes calls to the web server and replicates the website files on their secure servers and scans the contents thoroughly to identify malicious code or vulnerabilities. In the course of doing this, it can also remove the malicious code from the files, to prevent further damage. You can choose to not allow SMART to remove any code. In that case, you will only be notified of the vulnerability identified, and you will need to manually check / remove it.
What products is SiteLock compatible with?
SiteLock is compatible with all types of hosting purchased either from ASP Hosting Service or elsewhere.
Is there a Money Back Guarantee for SiteLock Orders?
We are not offering any Money Back Guarantee for SiteLock Orders.
How can the SiteLock Order be upgraded or downgraded?
There is no option to switch between different SiteLock Plans. The only alternative is to delete the existing Order and buy a new one with the desired Plan.
I recently signed up for SiteLock and noticed that I am getting some empty submissions from some of the forms on my web site (Contact us, etc.)
SiteLock probes your site to determine if fields and forms on your site are vulnerable to attempts by hackers looking to exploit these forms to gain access to your data. This will result in attempts to submit forms on your website with encoded data. If you wish to stop receiving these e-mails or entries, you may want to do some validation on the fields within your form to ensure that data is being submitted in the correct formats before triggering e-mails or database inputs. Since SiteLock inserts data that would not likely be valid for any fields on your site, these validation measures should stop you from getting these empty e- mails or entries. It is also a good coding and security practice to make sure your website visitors are providing the correct data in the expected formats.

ASP.NET Frameworks


Classic ASP Hosting

ASP.NET 1 Hosting

ASP.NET 2 Hosting

ASP.NET 3.5 Hosting

ASP.NET 4.0 Hosting

ASP.NET 4.5 Hosting

ASP.NET 4.6 Hosting

ASP.NET 4.7 Hosting

ASP.NET 4.8 Hosting

ASP.NET 5 Hosting

ASP.NET Core 1.0 Hosting

ASP.NET Core 2.0 Hosting

ASP.NET Core 3.1.9 Hosting

ASP.NET Core 5.0.17 Hosting

ASP.NET Core 6.0.23 Hosting

ASP.NET Core 7.0.15 Hosting

ASP.NET Core 8.0.7 Hosting

ASP.NET Core 9.0 Hosting

ASP.NET Core MVC Hosting

ASP.NET Core MVC 2.2 Hosting


ASP.NET MVC 2.0 Hosting

ASP.NET MVC 3.0 Hosting

ASP.NET MVC 4.0 Hosting

ASP.NET MVC 5.0 Hosting

ASP.NET MVC 5.1 Hosting

ASP.NET MVC 5.1.2 Hosting

ASP.NET MVC 5.2 Hosting

ASP.NET MVC 6 Hosting

ASP.NET WebPages 3.2 Hosting

ASP.NET SignalR Hosting

ASP.NET AJAX Toolkit v15.1.4 Hosting

Entity Framework 7 Hosting

Entity Framework Core 1.0 Hosting

Entity Framework Core 2.0 Hosting

Entity Framework Core 3.1 Hosting

Entity Framework Core 5.0 Hosting

OWIN & Katana ASP.NET Hosting



Windows Server Applications


IIS 10 Hosting

IIS 8.5 Hosting

IIS 8 Hosting

IIS 7.5 Hosting

Windows Server 2008 R2 Hosting

Windows Server 2012 Hosting

Windows Server 2012 R2 Hosting

Windows Server 2016 Hosting

Windows Server 2019 Hosting

Windows Server 2022 Hosting

Silverlight 4 Hosting

Silverlight 5 Hosting

Silverlight 6 Hosting

WebDeploy 3.6 Hosting

Visual Studio 2012 Hosting

Visual Studio 2013 Hosting

Visual Studio 2015 Hosting

Visual Studio 2017 Hosting

Visual Studio 2019 Hosting

Visual Studio 2022 Hosting

Visual Studio Lightswitch Hosting

WCF Hosting

Other WebMatrix Applications