FREE Windows Cloud Hosting


Core Specs

Unlimited Websites

2 GB Disk Space

20 GB Bandwidth

Unlimited SubDomains

Dedicated Application Pool

Support UTF-8 Domains

US/France/Netherlands Server

Singapore/Australia Server

Germany Server



Database Specs

1 SQL Server db

SQL Server 2016/2017

SQL Server 2019/2022

50 MB SQL Server / db

Remote DB access

SQL Mgmt Studio Exp tool

1 MySQL db

100 MB MySQL / db

MySQL Web-Based Access

Unlimited Ms Access



Email Specs

100 MB Email Space

Unlimited POP3/SMTP

Unlimited Domain Aliases

Unlimited Domain Forwarders

Unlimited Auto Responders

SmarterMail Access

Catch All

SPAM Filtering





    (3 Years Advanced Payment)


    (1 Year Advanced Payment)


    (3 Months Advanced Payment)

30-Days Money Back Guarantee


Free Windows Cloud Hosting



Supported Features in All Hosting Plans


Windows 2008/2012

Windows 2016/2019/2022

Xeon Processor Multi Core

32 GB RAM or higher

Min 1000 Mbps connection

RAID 1 Protected

Load Balancing

24/7 Antivirus Scanning

24/7 Windows Firewall

SAS 70 Type II Certified

DDoS Attack Response

Brute Force Detection

Nightly Server Backup

Nightly Database Backup


ASP.NET Core *All Versions*

ASP.NET 7 / 8 / ASP.NET Core

ASP.NET v. 4.8/4.6/4.5.2

ASP.NET v. 4.0/3.5/2.0

Classic ASP & EF 6

ASP.NET MVC v. 6.0

ASP.NET MVC v. 5.2/5.1.2

ASP.NET MVC v. 5.1.1/5.1

Silverlight v. 6.0/5.0/4.0

Support Full Trust

.CSHTML / Razor Engine

Crystal Report 2013/2010

Visual Studio LightSwitch

URL Rewrite

WCF Service



PHP v8.x or Lower

Latest MySql version

Latest PHPMyAdmin


Zend Optimizer

ionCube PHP Loader

Cron Jobs

ImageMagick, NetPBM, GD

Streaming Audio/Video

Latest CakePHP version

Latest CI Framework version





FREE DotNetNuke Installation

FREE Umbraco Installation

FREE WordPress Installation

FREE Joomla Installation

FREE Drupal Installation

FREE BlogEngine Installation

FREE phpBB Installation

FREE Orchard Installation

FREE Kentico Installation

FREE Magento Installation

FREE mojoPortal Installation

More Than 100 Applications

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) of FREE Windows Cloud Hosting Account

Is it really free?
Absolutely yes. You will not be charged a cent for trying our service for the next 3 days
What happens after the trial expires?
If the trial expires, your credit card will be automatically charged for the renewal of the Tier One Plan for 1 year ($60.00). If you wish to cancel the plan, you can do so before the trial ends.
Do I still get the 30-days money back guarantee?
Yes. Once your trial expires, your credit card will be charged and you are still protected with 30 days money back guarantee
If this is a free trial, why do I need to supply my credit card?
We require our customer credit card so that no one can simply abuse our system. We expect our customers to value our time and effort in providing this free service.
What are the restrictions on this Trial Account?
Under this free trial account, we will activate an account based on the Tier One features. Please be advised that since this is a free trial account, we may not meet all your installation requests. We limit to only one installation request and we may not meet your custom setup. The intention for providing this trial account is to allow our customers to have a "feel and touch" of our system. Additionally, all the customers must always obey all the conditions mentioned on our TOS page
Can I cancel this trial account?
Yes, at anytime.
Will you offer a second trial after the first trial expires?
Unfortunately no. Our statistics shows that a new website will only take at maximum 48 hours to be setup on our environment. Some even take less than 3 hours and therefore, we believe 3 days trial provides more than enough time for our customers to setup everything on our server
Other information about the Trial Account
We reserve full rights to reject any customers, who we believe is abusive to our system. We may cancel an account before it expires and this means that all the data will be removed from our system.

FREE Windows Cloud Hosting

Please try our Free Windows Cloud ASP.NET Hosting Service for 3 days

m is Microsoft No #1 Recommended Windows and ASP.NET Spotlight Hosting Partner in United States. Microsoft presents this award to for the ability to support the latest Microsoft and ASP.NET technology, such as: WebMatrix, WebDeploy, Visual Studio, ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET, Silverlight and Visual Studio Lightswitch.

Our Windows ASP.NET Cloud Hosting

Excellent, Budget ASP.NET Cloud Hosting Plans for Starters and Professionals


ASP.NET Frameworks


Classic ASP Hosting

ASP.NET 1 Hosting

ASP.NET 2 Hosting

ASP.NET 3.5 Hosting

ASP.NET 4.0 Hosting

ASP.NET 4.5 Hosting

ASP.NET 4.6 Hosting

ASP.NET 4.7 Hosting

ASP.NET 4.8 Hosting

ASP.NET 5 Hosting

ASP.NET Core 1.0 Hosting

ASP.NET Core 2.0 Hosting

ASP.NET Core 3.1.9 Hosting

ASP.NET Core 5.0.17 Hosting

ASP.NET Core 6.0.23 Hosting

ASP.NET Core 7.0.15 Hosting

ASP.NET Core 8.0.7 Hosting

ASP.NET Core 9.0 Hosting

ASP.NET Core MVC Hosting

ASP.NET Core MVC 2.2 Hosting


ASP.NET MVC 2.0 Hosting

ASP.NET MVC 3.0 Hosting

ASP.NET MVC 4.0 Hosting

ASP.NET MVC 5.0 Hosting

ASP.NET MVC 5.1 Hosting

ASP.NET MVC 5.1.2 Hosting

ASP.NET MVC 5.2 Hosting

ASP.NET MVC 6 Hosting

ASP.NET WebPages 3.2 Hosting

ASP.NET SignalR Hosting

ASP.NET AJAX Toolkit v15.1.4 Hosting

Entity Framework 7 Hosting

Entity Framework Core 1.0 Hosting

Entity Framework Core 2.0 Hosting

Entity Framework Core 3.1 Hosting

Entity Framework Core 5.0 Hosting

OWIN & Katana ASP.NET Hosting



Windows Server Applications


IIS 10 Hosting

IIS 8.5 Hosting

IIS 8 Hosting

IIS 7.5 Hosting

Windows Server 2008 R2 Hosting

Windows Server 2012 Hosting

Windows Server 2012 R2 Hosting

Windows Server 2016 Hosting

Windows Server 2019 Hosting

Windows Server 2022 Hosting

Silverlight 4 Hosting

Silverlight 5 Hosting

Silverlight 6 Hosting

WebDeploy 3.6 Hosting

Visual Studio 2012 Hosting

Visual Studio 2013 Hosting

Visual Studio 2015 Hosting

Visual Studio 2017 Hosting

Visual Studio 2019 Hosting

Visual Studio 2022 Hosting

Visual Studio Lightswitch Hosting

WCF Hosting

Other WebMatrix Applications